Health Screening
Weight Management
Standard Weight Management
A physical examination program in laboratory and health care is a program that focuses on finding the source of the causes of increased weight in clients. Laboratory examinations collected in this program will help doctors understand each client’s body in-depth by looking at the integrity of blood cells blood sugar levels, fat levels, kidney function, liver function, inflammation, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, growth hormones and vitamin D levels.
From reliable test results, medical experts will be able to recommend how to maintain vitamins, supplements, and practices to help you have the desired shape. It also helps to control your weight and maintain the shape sustainably.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who want to have a body that is toned without excess fat and looks healthy.
- Those who have tried to reduce their weight in various ways, but found that it is not effective and not sustainable.
- Those who want to reduce retained water and have concerns about rejuvenation (Yoyo Effect).
- Those who want to know more about what kind of food and exercise are appropriate to help keep the weight stable and help to have better health in the long run.
- Those who want to know the causes that give them weight and have excess fat.
Program price: 9,900 baht
Laboratory testing program, 19 inspection items (45 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- G6PD
- Lipid Profile
- Renal function test
- Liver Function Test
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Cortex Hormones
- Growth Hormone
- Vitamin D levels
-Consultation by expert doctors, follow-up, listening to results, and giving advice after the examination throughout the care.
-Period of knowing the results Approximately 3-4 business days after receiving service.
-Preparation: Please refrain from water and food. At least 8 hours before the blood test.
Holistic Weight Management
Physical examination program in laboratory and health care Is a program that focuses on finding the source of the causes of service recipients with increased weight. Laboratory examinations collected in this program will help doctors understand each patient’s body in-depth by looking at the integrity of blood cells blood sugar levels, fat levels, kidney function, liver function, inflammation, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, growth hormones and vitamin D levels.
In addition, this program includes insulin checking, uric acid, sex hormones, minerals and urine, which allows the client to understand the factors which inhibit the body’s metabolic processes to work efficiently. Usually, there are many factors that can affect the metabolism of the body, consisting of nutrient deficiency, the lack of enzymes in digestion due to genetics, having toxic residues in the body or using certain drugs.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who want to have a body that is toned without excess fat and looks healthy.
- Those who have tried to reduce their weight in various ways, but found that it is not effective and not sustainable.
- Those who want to reduce retained water and have concerns about rejuvenation (Yoyo Effect).
- Those who want to know more about what kind of food and exercise are appropriate to help keep the weight stable and help to have better health in the long run.
- Those who want to know the causes that give them weight and have excess fat.
- People who have problems with chronic fatigue or chronic headache, stress and not much. Without finding the cause
- Those with flatulence and digestive systems that aren’t normal.
- Those with chronic acne/rashes for unknown reasons.
- Those who want to know about their ability to burn flour, fat and amino acids.
- Those who want to know about the toxic levels in the body and their ability to remove toxins from the body.
Program price: 15,900 baht
Laboratory testing program, 31 inspection items (59 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Insulin levels
- G6PD
- Lipid Profile
- Renal function test
- Uric acid
- Liver Function Test
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Cortex Hormones
- Sex hormones
- Growth Hormone
- Vitamin D levels
- Mineral salt
- Urine test
-Consultation by expert doctors, follow-up, listening to results, and giving advice after the examination throughout the care.
-Period of knowing the results Approximately 3-4 business days after receiving service.
-Preparation: Please refrain from water and food. At least 8 hours before the blood test.
Premium Weight Management
Physical examination program in laboratory and health care Is a program that focuses on finding the source of the causes of service recipients with increased weight. Laboratory examinations collected in this program will help doctors understand each patient’s body in-depth by looking at the integrity of blood cells blood sugar levels, fat levels, kidney function, liver function, inflammation, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, growth hormones, vitamin D levels, check insulin, uric acid, sex hormones and mineral levels.
In addition, this program includes allergy-hidden food and organic urine, which helps the client understand factors which inhibit their body’s metabolic processes to work efficiently. Usually, many factors can affect the metabolism of the body, including nutrient deficiency, the lack of enzymes in some digestion due to genetics, having toxic residues in the body or using certain drugs.
Taking the Urine Organic examination will help doctors understand factors that inhibit metabolism, The doctor will consider the level of vitamins and minerals in the body, carbohydrates, amino acids related to metabolism, antioxidants stress caused by oxidation (The radical of the various systems in the cells) and the needs of antioxidants, toxic levels in the body as well as the ability to eliminate toxins from the body and the growth of bacteria and yeast.
Program price: 39,000 baht
Laboratory testing program
- 44 inspection items (334 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Fasting Blood Sugar
- Insulin levels
- G6PD
- Lipid Profile
- Renal function test
- Uric acid
- Liver Function Test
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Cortex Hormones
- Sex hormones
- Growth Hormone
- Vitamin D levels
- Mineral salt
- Urine test
- Consultation by expert doctors, follow-up, listening to results, and giving advice after the examination throughout the care.
-Period of knowing the results Approximately 4-7 business days after receiving service.
-Preparation: Please refrain from water and food. At least 8 hours before the blood test.
Genetic Weight Management
We will study our client’s body in detail and into the level of the genes, also known as Nutrogenetic Testing. Factors that affect overall health whether it is sensitivity to various foods, lack of necessary nutrients, exercise, stress, sleep, the characteristics of the skin, the appearance of the external characteristics and sensitivity to various stimuli, overall health (such as controlling appetite, bone density, length of life, response to inflammation and metabolism) and sensitivity to various pollution.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who want to have a body that is toned without excess fat and looks healthy.
- Those who have tried to reduce their weight in various ways, but found that it is not effective and not sustainable.
- Those who want to reduce retained water and have concerns about rejuvenation (Yoyo Effect).
- Those who want to know more about what kind of food and exercise are appropriate to help keep the weight stable and help to have better health in the long run.
- Those who want to know the causes that give them weight and have excess fat.
- People who have problems with chronic fatigue or chronic headache, stress and not much. Without finding the cause
- Those with flatulence and digestive systems that aren’t normal.
- Those with chronic acne/rashes for unknown reasons.
- Those who want to know about their ability to burn flour, fat and amino acids.
- Those who want to know about the toxic levels in the body and their ability to remove toxins from the body.
Program price: 35,900 baht
Duration: The test results Will take approximately 14-24 working day.
Preparation: For DNA samples, please avoid using mouthwash on the day of service and please, no food at least 30 minutes.
Energy Boost Up and Stress
Standard Energy Boost Up and Stress Management
A physical examination program, laboratory and health care that focuses on helping increase freshness and reduce stress levels. This program will help clients understand the root cause of their feelings of lack of energy, unrefreshed and easily tired, It will look at the levels of inflammation in the body and hormones related to stress, which is the main cause of feeling unrefreshed and accumulated fatigue.
The laboratory checklist collected in this application will help our medical professionals understand the body of each client, and know how to reduce inflammation and stress that occurs. This program will check blood composition, G6PD, kidney and liver function, vitamin D levels, thyroid hormone, adrenal hormones, and the level of inflammation in the body is the cause. The level of inflammation in the body is the cause of stress and feeling less energetic.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who feel tired easily all the time and feel low on energy no matter how much they rest.
- Those who feel that they are easily stressed and cannot cope with stress.
- Those who have problems with insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
- Those who are looking for ways to help increase energy through natural methods.
- Those who feel that they are easily inflamed and often feels pain in their body.
Program price: 6,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program: 14 items (36 sub-items)
- Complete Blood Count
- G6PD
- Renal function test
- Liver function test
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Sex Hormone
- Vitamin D Level
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide post-exam consultation throughout the care
Results Period: Approximately 3-4 working days after receiving the service
Preparation: For blood tests, do not abstain from food and water before the blood test.
Holistic Energy Boost Up and Stress Management
A physical examination program, laboratory and health care that focuses on helping increase freshness and reduce stress levels. This program will help clients understand the root cause of their feelings of lack of energy, unrefreshed and easily tired, It will look at the levels of inflammation in the body and hormones related to stress, which is the main cause of feeling unrefreshed and accumulated fatigue.
The laboratory checklist collected in this application will help our medical professionals understand the body of each client, and know how to reduce inflammation and stress that occurs. This program will check blood composition, G6PD, kidney and liver function, vitamin D levels, thyroid hormone, adrenal hormones, and the level of inflammation in the body is the cause. The level of inflammation in the body is the cause of stress and feeling less energetic.
In addition, this program also includes sex hormone levels and mineral salt levels in the body, which is a testing program that can help to know the levels of various essential minerals in the body that will help the client understand in detail as well as get to the root causes of feeling tired all the time, unable to sleep, and feelings of stressed.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who feel tired easily all the time and feel low on energy no matter how much they rest.
- Those who feel that they are easily stressed and cannot cope with stress.
- Those who have problems with insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
- Those who are looking for ways to help increase energy through natural methods.
- Those who feel that they are easily inflamed often feel pain in their body.
- Those who have problems with chronic fatigue or chronic headaches that have unknown causes, are stressed and can’t remember things.
- Those who have bloating, distension, and irregular bowel movements.
- Those who have chronic acne or chronic allergic rashes with unknown causes.
- Those who want to know about their ability to metabolize starch, fat, and sugar.
- Those who want to know about their level of toxins in the body and their ability to detoxify the body.
Program price: 11,900 baht
Laboratory examination program . : 21 examination items, ( 47 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- G6PD
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Inflammation value
- Thyroid hormone
- Adrenal hormone
- Sex hormone
- Vitamin D level
- Minerals
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Results period: Approximately 4-7 working days after receiving the service
Preparation: For blood tests, do not abstain from food and water before the blood test.
Premium Energy Boost Up and Stress Management
A physical examination program, laboratory and health care that focuses on helping increase freshness and reduce stress levels. This program will help clients understand the root cause of their feelings of lack of energy, unrefreshed and easily tired, It will look at the levels of inflammation in the body and hormones related to stress, which is the main cause of feeling unrefreshed and accumulated fatigue.
The laboratory checklist collected in this application will help our medical professionals understand the body of each client, and know how to reduce inflammation and stress that occurs. This program will check blood composition, G6PD, kidney and liver function, vitamin D levels, thyroid hormone, adrenal hormones, and the level of inflammation in the body is the cause. The level of inflammation in the body is the cause of stress and feeling less energetic.
In addition, this program also includes a Urine Profile, which is a screening program that can help to know the levels of various essential vitamins and minerals in the body, the body’s metabolic level (fatty acid metabolism carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid metabolism), neurotransmitters involved in metabolism, anti-oxidation and anti-oxidant substances, oxidative stress conditions (The free radicals destroy various systems within the cell) and the need for antioxidants and toxic levels in the body. This program can remove toxins from the body and the growth of bacteria and yeast. This physical examination program will help clients understand thoroughly and get to the root cause of feeling tired all the time, unable to sleep, and stressed.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who feel tired easily all the time and feel low on energy no matter how much they rest.
- Those who feel that they are easily stressed and cannot cope with stress.
- Those who have problems with insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
- Those who are looking for ways to help increase energy through natural methods.
- Those who feel that they are easily inflamed often feel pain in their body.
- Those who have problems with chronic fatigue or chronic headaches that have unknown causes, are stressed and can’t remember things.
- Those who have bloating, distension, and irregular bowel movements.
- Those who have chronic acne or chronic allergic rashes with unknown causes.
- Those who want to know about their ability to metabolize starch, fat, and sugar.
- Those who want to know about the level of toxins in the body and their ability to detoxify the body.
Program price: 19,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 21 items, (47 sub-items)
- Complete Blood Count
- G6PD
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Sex Hormone
- Vitamin D Level
- Minerals
- Organic Acids in Urine
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide consultation after the examination throughout the care
- Results are known after approximately 4-7 working days of service
For blood tests, do not abstain from food and water before the blood test.
For urine collection, please abstain from food and water at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Hormone Balancing
Standard Hormone Balancing
A physical examination program to help restore the balance of hormone levels in the body. This program will check sex hormones and other related hormones, to find out which part has an abnormality. From the results of laboratory tests, our medical professional will be able to help bring your hormones back into balance. This is done by using vitamin supplements, only as an assistant which is the most appropriate option as it is given individually to suit each different symptom and providing high safety. Moreover, our medical experts will recommend foods that is suitable for those who have hormonal imbalance problems and suggest the most appropriate methods of exercise for the symptoms.
In addition to diagnosing sex hormones and hormones that affect sex hormones, this health screening program also looks at inflammation in the client’s body, which plays a huge role in hormonal balance. When hormones are out of balance, there is a possibility that will be caused by inflammation. Symptoms arising from inflammation can result in serious chronic diseases. For example, the hormone testosterone, DHEA or cortisol hormones are balanced, they can help reduce inflammation. On the other hand, when estrogen and insulin levels are unbalanced, they can cause inflammation or make existing inflammation worse. A detailed diagnosis of various factors will help us understand adverse reactions in more detail.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are experiencing adverse symptoms such as symptoms of hot flashes all over the body, muscle pain, the metabolic system is not working well or experiencing anxiety, insomnia, or headaches.
- Those who have problems with infertility or want to plan to have children.
- Those who experience intestinal problems, indigestion, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.
- Those who experience weight gain, swollen face, or increased fat percentage.
- Those who suffer from unexplained cystic acne.
- Those with sexual dysfunction and decreased in sexual desire or symptoms of vaginal dryness.
- Men who are facing problems regarding sweating during the night, having cold and hot sensations in the body and frequent urination.
- Men who are experiencing headaches and not clear thinking. Mood changes easily, memory decline, symptoms of depression, sleep apnea or difficulty sleeping.
- Women who have PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) problems or are depressed before and during menstruation.
- Women who are experiencing irregular periods or period is too heavy, too many or too few periods and abdominal pain when menstruating, which can occur when hormones are out of balance.
Program price: 12,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 26 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Sex Hormone
- Growth Hormone
- Inflammation Value
- Urine Test
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide consultation after the examination throughout the care
- Results Period: Approximately 14 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Holistic Hormone Balancing
A physical examination program to help restore the balance of hormone levels in the body. This program will check sex hormones and other related hormones, to find out which part has an abnormality. From the results of laboratory tests, our medical professional will be able to help bring your hormones back into balance. This is done by using vitamin supplements, only as an assistant which is the most appropriate option as it is given individually to suit each different symptom and providing high safety. Moreover, our medical experts will recommend foods that is suitable for those who have hormonal imbalance problems and suggest the most appropriate methods of exercise for the symptoms.
In addition to diagnosing sex hormones and hormones that affect sex hormones, this health screening program also looks at inflammation in the client’s body, which plays a huge role in hormonal balance. When hormones are out of balance, there is a possibility that will be caused by inflammation. Symptoms arising from inflammation can result in serious chronic diseases. For example, the hormone testosterone, DHEA or cortisol hormones are balanced, they can help reduce inflammation. On the other hand, when estrogen and insulin levels are unbalanced, they can cause inflammation or make existing inflammation worse. A detailed diagnosis of various factors will help us understand adverse reactions in more detail.
Moreover, covering the levels of vitamins and minerals that can affect sex hormones such as the Organic Urine Test, which helps clients understand the factors that prevents the body’s metabolic processes from working efficiently. Usually there are many factor that can affect the body’s metabolism which consists of lack of essential nutrients, lack of certain digestive enzymes due to genetics, the presence of toxins remaining in the body, or the use of certain medications.
Taking the Urine Organic examination will help doctors understand factors that inhibit metabolism, The doctor will consider the level of vitamins and minerals in the body, carbohydrates, amino acids related to metabolism, antioxidants stress caused by oxidation (The radical of the various systems in the cells) and the needs of antioxidants, toxic levels in the body as well as the ability to eliminate toxins from the body and the growth of bacteria and yeast.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are experiencing adverse symptoms such as symptoms of hot flashes all over the body, muscle pain, the metabolic system is not working well or experiencing anxiety, insomnia, or headaches.
- Those who have problems with infertility or want to plan to have children.
- Those who experience intestinal problems, indigestion, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.
- Those who experience weight gain, swollen face, or increased fat percentage.
- Those who suffer from unexplained cystic acne.
- Those with sexual dysfunction and decreased in sexual desire or symptoms of vaginal dryness.
- Men who are facing problems regarding sweating during the night, having cold and hot sensations in the body and frequent urination.
- Men who are experiencing headaches and not clear thinking. Mood changes easily, memory decline, symptoms of depression, sleep apnea or difficulty sleeping.
- Women who have PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) problems or are depressed before and during menstruation.
- Women who are experiencing irregular periods or period is too heavy, too many or too few periods and abdominal pain when menstruating, which can occur when hormones are out of balance.
Program price: 25,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
30 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Adrenal Gland Function
- Sex Hormones
- Insulin Level
- Growth Hormone
- Inflammation Value
- Vitamin D Level
- Electrolyte Level
- Urine Organic Acids
Results: Approximately 14 working days after receiving the service
For blood test, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Detox and Cleanse
Standard Detox and Cleanse
The Detox and Cleanse health care program is a laboratory physical examination program to check for toxic residue, the body’s ability to eliminate toxins and detect the level of toxins in the body of the client. Metallic poisons are toxic to cells and affects cell function and various working systems of the body abnormally, whether it is the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, kidneys and endocrine glands. The toxicity of these heavy metals depends on the chemical form of each heavy metal compound and the route the body receives, such as through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, or skin.
The blood metal toxin test covers 7 types of heavy metal toxins as follows:
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
It is often found in nature, air, water and soil. Chromium is commonly mixed in steel and its compounds have rust resistance properties and corrosion. If there is a large amount of chromium in the body, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may cause death due to liver and kidney inflammation as bleeding may occur, then liver cells stop working.
- Cobalt (Cobalt: Co) is found in electronic components, and electroplated metal chemicals in beauty salons and a cement factory. Generally, we are less likely to get it if we are not in an area where cobalt is used in production, such as near an industrial area. Cobalt is slightly toxic when in contact with skin and is moderately toxic if swallowed.
- Manganese (Manganese: Mn) is found in the production of dry batteries, alloys, steel, metal turning, paint production, matches, and pesticides. Octane boosters in the gasoline used also contain manganese. It also contaminates the environment in mining areas, manganese ore smelting plants, alloy production plants, electrical welding factory and factories for making flashlights
- Nickel (Nickel: Ni) is found in the coin manufacturing industry, stainless steel, metal alloys, nickel batteries, electrical insulation materials, jewellery, ceramics, ink, the petroleum industry, plastics, and rubber which are the causes of cancer in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.
- Mercury (Mercury: Hg) is mostly contaminated in the air, water, and soil. The cause is fuel combustion, garbage burning, and waste products used in households and industrial plants that use mercury as a raw material. It is also found in cosmetics and food and seafood in particular (found in large marine animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales), and an important source is amalgam metals from silver tooth filling materials which is an important source that we get into the body.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
Together with the blood component G6PD; sugar levels accumulate, inflammation level, kidney function, liver function, mineral level and fat level.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing adverse symptoms caused by toxins accumulating in the body which consists of fatigue, brain fatigue, constipation, body odor, sensitivity to chemicals, body or skin pain and irritation.
- Those who want to know about the level of toxins in the body and its ability to remove toxins from the body.
Program price: 9,900 baht
Laboratory examination program:
- 14 examination items (50 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Blood sugar level
- G6PD
- Inflammation value
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Electron
- Blood metal toxins cover 9 types of heavy metal toxins (Pb, Hg, Cd, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Al)
- Fat level
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Results are known: Approximately 4-7 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
Premium Detox and Cleanse
Together with the blood component G6PD; sugar levels accumulate, inflammation level, kidney function, liver function, mineral level and fat level.
Organic urine, helps the client understand the factors that prevents the body’s metabolic processes from working efficiently. Usually, many factors can affect the body’s metabolism which consists of lack of some essential nutrients and certain digestive enzymes due to genetics, the presence of toxic residues in the body, or the use of certain medications.
Taking the Urine Organic examination will help doctors understand factors that inhibit metabolism, The doctor will consider the level of vitamins and minerals in the body, carbohydrates, amino acids related to metabolism, antioxidants stress caused by oxidation (The radical of the various systems in the cells) and the needs of antioxidants, toxic levels in the body as well as the ability to eliminate toxins from the body and the growth of bacteria and yeast.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing adverse symptoms caused by toxins accumulating in the body which consists of fatigue, brain fatigue, constipation, body odor, sensitivity to chemicals, body or skin pain and irritation.
- Those with abnormal respiratory symptoms and lots of mucus.
- Those with sensitive skin.
- Those who have frequent headaches and dizziness
- Those with peripheral neuropathy, body pain, stomach pain.
- Those who have trouble sleeping.
- Those who want to know about the level of toxins in the body and its ability to remove toxins from the body.
Program price: 19,900 baht
Laboratory examination program: 14 items (50 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Blood sugar level
- G6PD
- Inflammation value
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Electrolytes
- Blood metal toxins cover 9 types of heavy metal toxins (Pb, Hg, Cd, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Al)
- Fat level
- Organic acid in urine
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Results period: After receiving the service for about 4-7 working days
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Sleep and Emotional
Standard Sleep and Emotional Enhancement
Sleep is one of the basic physical needs that every human requires in life. Normally, it takes up between 20 and 40 per cent of our time each day. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential, as it helps our body repair various worn-out parts effectively, aids the brain in using analytical thinking, and enables the immune system to work more efficiently. It also helps protect the body from various diseases. On the other hand, having a restful sleep that is too short, disturbed, or insufficient can affect the body on many levels. This results in dark circles under the eyes, feeling dizzy during the day, craving starchy foods, increased appetite, inability to work effectively (difficulty concentrating), easy fatigue, and problems with insulin resistance. This links to the risk of diabetes, respiratory diseases caused by a weak immune system, frequent colds, kidney failure, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and decreased sexual desire. It can also lead to car accidents due to reduced driving ability or accidents from various activities.
In addition to the physical effects, insufficient sleep can affect your emotional health, such as causing a lack of motivation, emotional problems, stress, difficulty managing emotions, a negative outlook, decreased problem-solving ability, feeling worthless, and reduced self-confidence, which can lead to depression or mood swings.
This laboratory health examination and health care program will help you thoroughly diagnose the root of the problem that is preventing you from getting full and adequate sleep. This program will examine various factors, including neurotransmitters in the brain, vitamin D levels, vitamin B levels, zinc levels, antioxidant deficiencies, inflammation in the body, the balance of microorganisms in the intestines, adrenal fatigue risk, thyroid hormone levels, stress hormone levels, and toxic levels in the body. These factors can be treated with vitamin supplements and lifestyle changes.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are experiencing various problems caused by insufficient sleep.
- Those who want to sleep better.
- Those who are having problems with symptoms of depression and emotional unbalance.
Program price: 15,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 24 items
- Complete Blood Count
- G6PD
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Inflammation Value
- Growth Hormone
- Sex Hormone
- Electrolyte Level
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the test throughout the care
Results Period: Approximately 4 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, do not fast and do not eat before the blood test.
Holistic Sleep and Emotional Enhancement
Sleep is one of the basic physical needs that every human requires in life. Normally, it takes up between 20 and 40 per cent of our time each day. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential, as it helps our body repair various worn-out parts effectively, aids the brain in using analytical thinking, and enables the immune system to work more efficiently. It also helps protect the body from various diseases. On the other hand, having a restful sleep that is too short, disturbed, or insufficient can affect the body on many levels. This results in dark circles under the eyes, feeling dizzy during the day, craving starchy foods, increased appetite, inability to work effectively (difficulty concentrating), easy fatigue, and problems with insulin resistance. This links to the risk of diabetes, respiratory diseases caused by a weak immune system, frequent colds, kidney failure, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and decreased sexual desire. It can also lead to car accidents due to reduced driving ability or accidents from various activities.
In addition to the physical effects, insufficient sleep can affect your emotional health, such as causing a lack of motivation, emotional problems, stress, difficulty managing emotions, a negative outlook, decreased problem-solving ability, feeling worthless, and reduced self-confidence, which can lead to depression or mood swings.
This laboratory health examination and health care program will help you thoroughly diagnose the root of the problem that is preventing you from getting full and adequate sleep. This program will examine various factors, including neurotransmitters in the brain, vitamin D levels, vitamin B levels, zinc levels, antioxidant deficiencies, inflammation in the body, the balance of microorganisms in the intestines, adrenal fatigue risk, thyroid hormone levels, stress hormone levels, and toxic levels in the body. These factors can be treated with vitamin supplements and lifestyle changes.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are experiencing various problems caused by insufficient sleep.
- Those who want to sleep better.
- Those who are having problems with symptoms of depression and emotional unbalance.
Program price: 25,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
38 items
- Complete Blood Count
- G6PD
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Thyroid Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Inflammation Value
- Growth Hormone
- Sex Hormone
- Electrolyte Level
- Insulin Level
- Urine Organic Acid
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide consultation after the examination throughout the care
Results Period: Approximately 4 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, do not abstain from food and water before the blood test.
Immunity Enhancement
Standard Immunity Enhancement
If you find yourself frequently sick or experiencing prolonged illnesses, having inflammation or recurrent infections, especially in the same areas, feeling consistently fatigued, having trouble sleeping, experiencing adverse reactions related to the excretory and digestive systems, or noticing that wounds on your body heal more slowly than usual, this may indicate a weakening immune system. It is well known that immunity is crucial for fighting viruses and bacteria that enter the body. A healthy immune system stores information about any viruses and bacteria it encounters and kills them. When the same germs enter the body again, the immune system can eliminate them immediately before they can multiply and threaten the body’s systems.
Because the immune system plays an important role in keeping you healthy and aiding in the recovery from various injuries or illnesses, it is essential to maintain a strong immune system. This health check-up package will analyze in depth the various causes that may be weakening your immune system. It will also identify areas that need improvement to strengthen the immune system, such as abnormal white blood cell levels, high blood sugar levels, excessive stress hormone levels, insufficient sleep-related hormones, nutrient deficiencies necessary for immune strength, intestinal abnormalities, high-fat levels, toxic residues in the body, lower than normal growth hormone levels, insufficient proteins that help fight bacteria, and liver or kidney abnormalities.
Additionally, this health check-up package examines inflammation levels in the body, identifying both the causes of immune system abnormalities and existing inflammation. This comprehensive approach enables the clinic’s expert doctors to provide personalized care for the patient’s physical health, addressing symptoms of inflammation and identifying areas for future improvement to ensure a sustainably strong immune system.
This health checkup package is suitable for:
- Those who experience adverse symptoms such as being sick easily, and being sick for a longer period than most people, have frequent symptoms of inflammation or infection, symptoms of accumulated fatigue, trouble sleeping, the digestive system not working normally and wounds on the body that are difficult to heal.
- Those who want their bodies to be always strong
- Those who travel frequently and those with tight schedules and little time to rest.
Package price: 25,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 16 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
- Inflammation Value
- Vitamin D Level
- Adrenal Hormone
- Vitamin and Mineral Level
- Urine Test
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide consultation after the examination throughout the care
Results: Approximately 5 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Holistic Immunity Enhancement
If you find yourself frequently sick or experiencing illnesses for longer periods than usual, having inflammation or frequent infections, particularly in the same areas, feeling consistently fatigued, having trouble sleeping, experiencing adverse reactions in the excretory and digestive systems, or noticing that wounds on your body heal more slowly than normal, these may be symptoms indicating a weakened immune system.
It is well known that immunity is crucial for fighting viruses and bacteria that enter the body. A healthy immune system stores and recognizes any viruses and bacteria it encounters and kills them. When the same germs enter the body again, the immune system can eliminate them immediately before they can multiply and threaten the body’s systems. The immune system plays an essential role in keeping you healthy and aiding in the recovery from various injuries or illnesses. Therefore, it is important to maintain a strong immune system.
This health check-up package will analyze in depth the various causes of immune system abnormalities. It will also identify areas that need correction to strengthen the immune system, such as abnormal white blood cell levels, high blood sugar levels, excessive stress hormone levels, insufficient sleep-related hormones, nutrient deficiencies necessary for immune strength, intestinal abnormalities, high fat levels, toxic residues in the body, lower than normal growth hormone levels, insufficient proteins that help fight bacteria, and abnormalities in the liver or kidneys.
The health check-up package also examines growth hormone levels, liver function, and checks for abnormal cells, or “zombie cells.” In scientific terms, zombie cells are cells that do not die but accumulate in the body, leading to aging and various diseases associated with aging, such as bone and brain diseases. These zombie cells can also transform healthy cells into more zombie cells.
By finding the causes of immune system abnormalities and addressing existing inflammation, the clinic’s expert doctors can provide individualized care for the patient’s physical health. They will treat symptoms of inflammation and identify areas for improvement to ensure that patients have a sustainably strong immune system.
This health checkup package is suitable for:
- Those who experience adverse symptoms such as being sick easily, and being sick for a longer period than most people, have frequent symptoms of inflammation or infection, symptoms of accumulated fatigue, trouble sleeping, the digestive system not working normally and wounds on the body that are difficult to heal.
- Those who want their bodies to always be strong.
- Those who travel frequently and those with tight schedules and little time to rest.
- Those who want to learn more about the right diet for weight management and overall health.
- Those who want to know more about gut health.
- Those who want to know more about metabolic capabilities.
- Those who want to improve their thinking and concentration.
- Those who want to know more about the body’s ability to eliminate waste.
- Those with chronic acne or chronic itchy rashes.
Package price: 39,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 18 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Inflammation Value
- Growth Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Vitamin and Mineral Level
- Vitamin D Level
- RV Immune System Cell Specific Indicators
- Urine Test
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results, and provide post-test consultation throughout the care
Results: Approximately 14 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Premium Immunity Enhancement
If you find yourself frequently sick or experiencing illnesses for longer periods than usual, having inflammation or frequent infections, particularly in the same areas, feeling consistently fatigued, having trouble sleeping, experiencing adverse reactions in the excretory and digestive systems, or noticing that wounds on your body heal more slowly than normal, these may be symptoms indicating a weakened immune system.
It is well known that immunity is crucial for fighting viruses and bacteria that enter the body. A healthy immune system stores and recognizes any viruses and bacteria it encounters and kills them. When the same germs enter the body again, the immune system can eliminate them immediately before they can multiply and threaten the body’s systems. The immune system plays an essential role in keeping you healthy and aiding in the recovery from various injuries or illnesses. Therefore, it is important to maintain a strong immune system.
This health check-up package will analyze in depth the various causes of immune system abnormalities. It will also identify areas that need correction to strengthen the immune system, such as abnormal white blood cell levels, high blood sugar levels, excessive stress hormone levels, insufficient sleep-related hormones, nutrient deficiencies necessary for immune strength, intestinal abnormalities, high-fat levels, toxic residues in the body, lower than normal growth hormone levels, insufficient proteins that help fight bacteria, and abnormalities in the liver or kidneys.
The health check-up package also examines growth hormone levels, and liver function, and checks for abnormal cells, or “zombie cells.” In scientific terms, zombie cells are cells that do not die but accumulate in the body, leading to ageing and various diseases associated with ageing, such as bone and brain diseases. These zombie cells can also transform healthy cells into more zombie cells. By finding the causes of immune system abnormalities and addressing existing inflammation, the clinic’s expert doctors can provide individualized care for the patient’s physical health. They will treat symptoms of inflammation and identify areas for improvement to ensure that patients have a sustainably strong immune system.
In addition, this health check package also includes counting the number of natural killer (NK) cells in the bloodstream. This helps determine the risk of cancer or various viral infections. It can also assess whether cancer patients are sufficiently prepared and strong enough to be treated with radiotherapy. Patients who lack or have low numbers of NK cells are at higher risk of developing cancer or various viral infections because NK cells are the first line of defence to detect and destroy cancer cells, viruses, and other foreign pathogens. NK cells prevent cancer cells or foreign cells from dividing and multiplying uncontrollably through a special mechanism. While the count of NK cells is an important indicator of the risk of cancer and infection, checking the performance of killer cells (NK cell activity) is also crucial. This dual assessment of both the number and capacity of an individual’s NK cells provides a more comprehensive evaluation.
By identifying the causes of immune system abnormalities and addressing existing inflammation, the clinic’s expert doctors can provide individualized care for the patient’s physical health. They will treat inflammation symptoms and identify areas for future improvement to ensure that patients have a sustainably strong immune system.
This health checkup package is suitable for:
- Those who experience adverse symptoms such as being sick easily, and being sick for a longer period than most people, have frequent symptoms of inflammation or infection, symptoms of accumulated fatigue, trouble sleeping, the digestive system not working normally and wounds on the body that are difficult to heal.
- Those who want their bodies to always be strong.
- Those who travel frequently and those with tight schedules and little time to rest.
- Those who want to learn more about the right diet for weight management and overall health.
- Those who want to know more about gut health.
- Those who want to know more about metabolic capabilities.
- Those who want to improve their thinking and concentration.
- Those who want to know more about the body’s ability to eliminate waste.
- Those with chronic acne or chronic itchy rashes.
Package price: 49,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 19 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
- Liver Function
- Inflammation Value
- Growth Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Vitamin and Mineral Level
- Vitamin D Level
- RV Immune System Cell Specific Indicators
- Urine Test
- NK-Cell Count and Efficiency
- Consultation by a Specialist Doctor, Follow up on the Results and Provide Post-Test Consultation Throughout the Care
Results Period: Approximately 14 Working Days After Service
For blood test, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the blood test.
For urine collection, please refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Standard Anti-aging
เป็นโปรแกรมการตรวจ ร่างกายทางห้องปฏิบัติการและการดูแลสุขภาพที่มุ้งเน้นตรวจหาความเสี่ยงและความเสื่อมของร่างกายที่อาจเกิดขึ้น
ช่วยสร้างความเข้าใจถึงกลไกการเสื่อมถอย กระบวนการทำงานของร่างกาย รวมถึงการซ่อมแซมส่วนที่สึกหรอ มุ่งเน้นการป้องกันโรค และวางแผนการใช้ชีวิตประจำวัน ที่เหมาะสมกับแต่ละบุคคล เช่น การเลือกรับประทานอาหารและการออกกำลังกาย ที่จะช่วยชะลอความเสื่อม ตรวจเช็คองค์ประกอบของเลือด G6PD ระดับน้ำตาลสะสม การทํางานของไต การทำงานของตับ ค่าการอักเสบ ระดับเกลือแร่ ระดับNAD ระดับวิตามินC,D และ ตรวจหาเซลล์ที่ผิดปกติ หรือเซลล์ซอมบี้ (Zombie cells) ในทางวิทยาศาสตร์ หมายถึงเซลล์ที่ไม่ตาย แต่สามารถสะสมในร่างกาย นำไปสู่ภาวะชราภาพและโรคต่างๆ ที่มาพร้อมกับวัยที่สูงขึ้น เช่น โรคที่เกี่ยวกับกระดูกและสมอง แถมยังร้ายชนิดที่ว่า สามารถทำให้ให้เซลล์ดีๆ กลายร่างเป็นซอมบี้เซลล์ได้อีกด้วย
- ผู้ที่กําลังเผชิญกับ อาการเหนื่อยล้าอ่อนเพลียง่าย ภาวะสมองล้า
- ผู้ที่รู้สึกว่าร่างกายเข้าสู่ภาวะเสื่อมโทรม
ราคาโปรแกรม: 25,900 บาท
Laboratory examination program . : 11 examination items (37 sub-items)
Check the complete blood count
- Blood sugar level
- G6PD
- Kidney function
- Uric acid
- Inflammation value
- Liver function
- Minerals
- NAD level
- Vitamin C, D level
- Measure specific indicators in RV immune system cells
- Consultation by a specialist doctor Follow up on the results and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Result period: After receiving the service for about 4-7 working days
Preparation: For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking at least 1 hour before the blood test.
Holistic Anti-aging
This inspection program involves physical laboratories and health care that focus on detecting risks and bodily deterioration that may occur.
It helps create an understanding of the mechanisms of deterioration and the body’s work processes, including repairing worn parts. The program emphasizes disease prevention and developing daily living plans tailored to each individual, such as food selection and exercise, to help slow down deterioration.
The program includes comprehensive tests such as:
- Blood composition analysis
- G6PD screening
- Accumulated sugar levels
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Mineral salt levels
- NAD levels
- Detection of abnormal cells, also known as zombie cells
In scientific terms, zombie cells are cells that do not die but accumulate in the body, leading to ageing and various diseases associated with ageing, such as bone and brain diseases. These zombie cells can also transform healthy cells into more zombie cells, exacerbating the problem.
The program also checks the levels of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body. If the body has insufficient levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to meet its needs, it may cause adverse symptoms such as insomnia, chronic fatigue, waking up in the morning feeling unrefreshed, and frequent aches or sickness. Insufficient levels can impair the body’s systems, leading to increased inflammation, more rapid cell deterioration, and premature ageing.
By focusing on these areas, the program aims to provide a thorough understanding of the individual’s health status and offers strategies for maintaining health and preventing disease, ensuring a personalized approach to slowing down the ageing process and improving overall well-being.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing Fatigue, easy fatigue, brain fatigue.
- Those who feel that their body has entered a state of deterioration.
- Those who want to know the mechanism of how the body works and prevent deterioration directly.
Program price: 34,900 baht
Laboratory examination program:
- 13 examination items (43 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Blood sugar level
- G6PD
- Kidney function
- Uric acid
- Liver function
- Minerals
- NAD level
- Measure specific indicators in cells of the immune system RV
- Vitamin and mineral levels
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results, and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Results period: Approximately 5-10 business days after receiving the service Preparation: For blood tests, there is no need to abstain from food and water before the blood test.
Premium Anti-aging
This inspection program involves physical laboratories and health care focused on detecting risks and deterioration of the body that may occur. It helps create an understanding of the mechanisms of deterioration and the body’s work processes, including repairing worn parts. The program emphasizes disease prevention and developing daily living plans tailored to each individual, such as food selection and exercise, to help slow down deterioration.
The program includes comprehensive tests such as:
- Blood composition analysis
- G6PD screening
- Accumulated sugar levels
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Mineral salt levels
- NAD levels
- Detection of abnormal cells, also known as zombie cells
In scientific terms, zombie cells are cells that do not die but accumulate in the body, leading to ageing and various diseases associated with ageing, such as bone and brain diseases. These zombie cells can also transform healthy cells into more zombie cells, exacerbating the problem.
Additionally, the program checks the levels of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body, both in the blood and urine, to provide a detailed health assessment. Medical experts will consider these results comprehensively. If the body has insufficient levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it may cause adverse symptoms such as insomnia, chronic fatigue, waking up in the morning feeling unrefreshed, frequent aches, or sickness. Insufficient levels can impair the body’s systems, leading to increased inflammation, accelerated cell deterioration, and premature ageing.
By focusing on these areas, the program aims to provide a thorough understanding of the individual’s health status and offers strategies for maintaining health and preventing disease, ensuring a personalized approach to slowing down the ageing process and improving overall well-being.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing Fatigue, easy fatigue, brain fatigue.
- Those who feel that their body has entered a state of deterioration.
- Those who want to know the mechanism of how the body works and prevent deterioration directly.
Program price: 41,900 baht
Laboratory examination program . :
- 26 examination items (97 sub-items)
- Complete blood count
- Blood sugar level
- G6PD
- Kidney function
- Uric acid
- Inflammation value
- Liver function
- Minerals
- NAD level
- Measure specific indicators in immune cells RV
- Vitamin and mineral levels
- Telomegaly
- Organic acid in urine
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the examination throughout the care
Results are known after approximately 5-10 working days of service
For blood tests, do not abstain from food and water before the blood test.
For urine collection, please abstain from food and water at least 8 hours before collecting the first urine in the morning.
Standard Genetic Anti-aging screening
This examination program will study the body of each person in-depth, down to the level of genes, through Nutrogenetic Testing. This testing can be used to understand factors that affect overall health and the mechanisms of bodily decline, including the process of repairing worn parts. The program focuses on disease prevention and creating daily living plans tailored to each person.
The factors affecting overall health that this program examines include:
- Sensitivity to various types of food
- Deficiency of essential nutrients
- Exercise and sports activity
- Stress and sleep patterns
- Skin characteristics and sensitivity to stimuli
- Overall health aspects such as appetite control, bone density, longevity, inflammatory response, and metabolism
- Risk of developing various medical diseases
- Genetic predispositions to cancer, mental, and brain diseases
- Sensitivity to various pollutants
- Response to various types of drugs
- Risk of passing on genetic problems to offspring
Additionally, this health check program provides information on interesting aspects of your genetics, such as:
- Ancestral background
- Individual personality traits
- Behaviors associated with success in various fields
- Sexual characteristics
- Special abilities in areas such as dancing and singing
This comprehensive program studies a total of 747 areas to give a detailed analysis of your genetic makeup and its implications for your health and lifestyle.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing Fatigue, easy fatigue, brain fatigue.
- Those who feel that their body has entered a state of deterioration.
- Those who want to know the mechanism of how the body works and prevent deterioration directly.
Program price: 39,000 baht
Duration: The test results will take approximately 14 working day.
Preparation: For DNA samples, please avoid using mouthwash on the day of service and please, no food at least 30 minutes.
Premium Genetic Anti-aging screening
This examination program studies the body of each person in-depth, down to the level of genes, through Nutrogenetic Testing. This testing can be used to understand factors that affect overall health and the mechanisms of bodily decline, including the process of repairing worn parts. The program focuses on disease prevention and creating daily living plans tailored to each person.
Ageing is a process of damage that occurs and spreads to every part of the body over many years. The ageing process begins on average after the age of 20, depending on individual genetic differences and lifestyle factors, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, smoking, alcohol consumption, accumulated stress, physical health problems, mental health problems, and medical history. These factors cause each person to experience aging-related damage at different rates.
Calendar age (chronological age) is calculated based on the date of birth and does not indicate the true internal biological ageing rate.
Biological age may be a more important indicator of the ageing process. It is developed through measurement and evaluation of molecular footprints—traces of damage left at the molecular level. This information can be used by medical experts to propose personalized longevity guidelines and consider ways to delay or reduce biological age.
This program will identify both calendar age (chronological age) and biological age, assessing various organs such as the brain, heart, liver, lungs, muscles, bones, immune system, metabolic system, digestive system, hearing, vision, skin, and hair. It evaluates the level of decline in each of these areas.
By understanding these factors, the program aims to provide a thorough analysis of an individual’s health status and ageing process, offering strategies for maintaining health, preventing disease, and potentially slowing down the biological ageing process for improved overall well-being.
This program is suitable for:
- Those who are facing Fatigue, easy fatigue, brain fatigue.
- Those who feel that their body has entered a state of deterioration.
- Those who want to know the mechanism of how the body works and prevent deterioration directly.
Program price: 52,900 baht
Duration: The test results will take approximately 14 working day.
Preparation: For DNA samples, please avoid using mouthwash on the day of service and please, no food at least 30 minutes.
Hair Loss Management
Standard Hair Loss Management
This laboratory physical examination program helps identify factors causing hair loss, whether on the scalp or other parts of the body. Hair loss can occur due to the natural life cycle of hair, which deteriorates with age, falls out, and regrows. It can affect individuals of all genders and ages, from childhood to adulthood. Hair loss may be a warning sign of certain diseases or may lead to permanent hair loss or baldness, affecting personality and mental well-being. There are two main types of hair loss:
- Scarring Alopecia
Scarring alopecia results in the permanent destruction of hair follicle cells, preventing new hair growth. Causes include:
- Chronic inflammatory skin diseases: Abnormalities in the immune system such as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) or Lichen Planopilaris (LPP).
- Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA): A type of scarring alopecia causing scalp inflammation, redness, and peeling, leading to baldness, more common in females.
- Bacterial infections:
- Dissecting cellulitis and folliculitis is caused by abnormal skin formation of hair follicles leading to blockage and inflammation.
- Folliculitis decalvans, an abnormal response to Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
- Tuberculosis and syphilis.
- Viral infections: Shingles (Herpes zoster) and herpes (Herpes simplex).
- Fungal infections: Tinea capitis.
- Chemical exposure: Highly acidic or alkaline substances.
- Skin tumors: Tumors on the scalp.
2. Non-Scarring Alopecia
Non-scarring alopecia involves hair loss where hair follicle cells are not permanently destroyed, leading to patchy hair loss that can be treated:
- Heredity (Androgenic alopecia): Family history of hair loss, thinning hair, and premature baldness, more common in males.
- Alopecia areata: An autoimmune disease causing sudden hair loss on the scalp and body.
- Acute alopecia (Telogen effluvium): Rapid hair loss due to:
- Diseases such as thyroid disease, anaemia, thalassemia, and HIV.
- Sudden hormonal changes, such as postpartum.
- Illnesses like high fever or post-surgery conditions.
- Side effects from medications.
- Rapid weight loss.
- Hair loss from stimulation (Anagen effluvium): Chemotherapy or radiotherapy causes rapid hair loss.
- Infections: Fungal infections on the scalp and bacterial infections like syphilis.
- Medications: Cancer, arthritis, depression, heart disease, gout, high blood pressure medications, and birth control pills.
- Ageing: Decreased hormone production, shortening the hair growth cycle and reducing hair density.
- Stress: High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, cause hair loss and thinning.
- Behaviors: Trichotillomania (pulling hair unconsciously).
- Nutrient deficiencies: Iron or protein deficiencies.
- Hairstyles: Too tight ponytails or braids causing traction alopecia.
This health checkup package will analyze the various causes of abnormal hair loss and identify areas for correction to strengthen hair. It will assess factors such as abnormal white blood cell levels, excessive stress hormones, insufficient sleep-related hormones, lack of essential vitamins and substances, toxic residues, and body inflammation.
Package price: 12,900 baht
Laboratory testing program
26 checklist
- Complete blood count
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid hormones
- Sex hormones
- Growth hormones
- Mineral levels of iron, zinc, and phosphorus
-Period of knowing the results Approximately 14 business days after receiving service.
-Preparation: Please refrain from water and food. At least 8 hours before the blood test.
Holistic Hair Loss Management
This laboratory physical examination program helps identify factors causing hair loss, whether on the scalp or other parts of the body. Hair loss can occur due to the natural life cycle of hair, which deteriorates with age, falls out, and regrows. It can affect individuals of all genders and ages, from childhood to adulthood. Hair loss may be a warning sign of certain diseases or may lead to permanent hair loss or baldness, affecting personality and mental well-being. There are two main types of hair loss:
- Scarring Alopecia:
Scarring alopecia results in the permanent destruction of hair follicle cells, preventing new hair growth. Causes include:
- Chronic inflammatory skin diseases: Abnormalities in the immune system such as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) or Lichen Planopilaris (LPP).
- Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA): A type of scarring alopecia causing scalp inflammation, redness, and peeling, leading to baldness, more common in females.
- Bacterial infections:
- Dissecting cellulitis and folliculitis is caused by abnormal skin formation of hair follicles leading to blockage and inflammation.
- Folliculitis decalvans, an abnormal response to Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
- Tuberculosis and syphilis.
- Viral infections: Shingles (Herpes zoster) and herpes (Herpes simplex).
- Fungal infections: Tinea capitis.
- Chemical exposure: Highly acidic or alkaline substances.
- Skin tumours: Tumors on the scalp.
2. Non-Scarring Alopecia:
Non-scarring alopecia involves hair loss where hair follicle cells are not permanently destroyed, leading to patchy hair loss that can be treated:
- Heredity (Androgenic alopecia): Family history of hair loss, thinning hair, and premature baldness, more common in males.
- Alopecia areata: An autoimmune disease causing sudden hair loss on the scalp and body.
- Acute alopecia (Telogen effluvium): Rapid hair loss due to:
- Diseases such as thyroid disease, anaemia, thalassemia, and HIV.
- Sudden hormonal changes, such as postpartum.
- Illnesses like high fever or post-surgery conditions.
- Side effects from medications.
- Rapid weight loss.
- Hair loss from stimulation (Anagen effluvium): Chemotherapy or radiotherapy causes rapid hair loss.
- Infections: Fungal infections on the scalp and bacterial infections like syphilis.
- Medications: Cancer, arthritis, depression, heart disease, gout, high blood pressure medications, and birth control pills.
- Ageing: Decreased hormone production, shortening the hair growth cycle and reducing hair density.
- Stress: High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, cause hair loss and thinning.
- Behaviors: Trichotillomania (pulling hair unconsciously).
- Nutrient deficiencies: Iron or protein deficiencies.
- Hairstyles: Too tight ponytails or braids causing traction alopecia.
This health checkup package will analyze the various causes of abnormal hair loss and identify areas for correction to strengthen hair. It will assess factors such as abnormal white blood cell levels, excessive stress hormones, insufficient sleep-related hormones, lack of essential vitamins and substances, toxic residues, and body inflammation.
Additionally, the package will check the levels of necessary nutrients and vitamins in the body. Insufficient levels of these nutrients may lead to adverse reactions and hinder the growth and repair of hair.
Package price: 25,900 baht
Laboratory testing program
26 checklist
- Complete blood count
- Inflammation Value
- Thyroid hormones
- Sex hormones
- Growth hormones
- Mineral levels of iron, zinc, and phosphorus
-Period of knowing the results Approximately 5-10 business days after receiving service.
-Preparation: For a blood test No need to abstain from water and food before the blood test.
Digestive Health
Standard Digestive Health
This laboratory and health care examination program is a program that focuses on finding the root cause of the client having gastrointestinal problems, and intestinal health such as constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, bloating, and indigestion. The laboratory tests included in this program will help medical professionals understand each patient’s body in depth, such as the completeness of blood cells, iron levels kidney function, pancreatic enzyme, levels of inflammation, levels of liver function and hidden food allergies.
It is a test of the body’s immune system response to a particular type of food. This response stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that destroy the proteins in that food because the body’s immune system understands that “unknown objects” may be harmful to the body.
Package price: 29,900 baht.
Preparation: Should refrain from taking steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressants at least 7 days before drawing blood (If you really can’t stop, please try stop for at least 3 days).
-12 lab tests
- Complete blood count
- Serum lron, Serum ferritin
- C reactive protein
- Amylase and Lipase
- Fecal occult blood or fecal immunochemical test Helicobacter pylori
Duration: The test results will take approximately 5 working day.
Preparation: Should refrain from taking steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressants at least 7 days before drawing blood (If you really can’t stop, please try stop for at least 3 days).
Premium Digestive Health
This laboratory and health care examination program is a program that focuses on finding the root cause of the client having gastrointestinal problems, and intestinal health such as constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, bloating, and indigestion. The laboratory tests included in this program will help medical professionals understand each patient’s body in depth, such as the completeness of blood cells, iron levels kidney function, pancreatic enzyme, levels of inflammation, levels of liver function and hidden food allergies.
It is a test of the body’s immune system response to a particular type of food. This response stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that destroy the proteins in that food because the body’s immune system understands that “unknown objects” may be harmful to the body.
Additionally, this program also includes intestinal microbiome testing because most microorganisms live in our intestines, making testing from faeces yield the most accurate results. It will help us plan to take care of our health throughout the system. Bloating, chronic diarrhoea, poor metabolism, or allergy problems that we have to face may be caused by the imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines
This program is suitable for:
- Those who have problems with the digestive system, food allergies, and irritable bowel syndromes such as bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, or constipation.
- Those with poor metabolic systems and have a habit of eating red meat, and processed food, or those who are overweight.
Package price: 49,900 baht
-12 lab tests
- complete blood count
- Serum lron, Serum count
- C reactive protein
- Amylase and Lipase
- Fecal occult blood or fecal immunochemical test Helicobacter pylori
Duration: The test results will take approximately 7-14
Preparation: Should refrain from taking steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressants at least 7 days before drawing blood (If you really can’t stop, please try stop for at least 3 days).
Pre StemCell
Standard Pre-Stem cells Program
This laboratory and health care examination program is designed to check and prepare individuals before undergoing cell therapy. This allows expert doctors to assess the basic health of the recipients, including their current health status and any potential health issues prior to cell therapy. Additionally, it determines the necessary preparations required before administering the cell therapy to ensure the highest efficiency.
The list of laboratory tests collected in this program will assist medical experts in understanding the recipients’ bodies comprehensively. These tests include assessing the completeness of blood cells, kidney function, accumulated sugar levels, inflammation levels, liver function, mineral salt levels, lipid levels, G6PD levels, adrenal hormones, vitamin D levels, cancer screening, and the level of toxins in the recipients’ bodies.
Heavy metals are known to be toxic to cells, affecting various systems of the body, including the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, kidneys, and endocrine glands. The toxicity of heavy metals depends on the chemical form of each compound and the route through which the body is exposed, such as through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, or skin.
The blood metal toxin test covers 7 types of heavy metal toxins as follows:
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
It is often found in nature, air, water and soil. Chromium is commonly mixed in steel and its compounds have rust resistance properties and corrosion. If there is a large amount of chromium in the body, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may cause death due to liver and kidney inflammation as bleeding may occur, then liver cells stop working.
- Cobalt (Cobalt: Co) is found in electronic components, and electroplated metal chemicals in beauty salons and a cement factory. Generally, we are less likely to get it if we are not in an area where cobalt is used in production, such as near an industrial area. Cobalt is slightly toxic when in contact with skin and is moderately toxic if swallowed.
- Manganese (Manganese: Mn) is found in the production of dry batteries, alloys, steel, metal turning, paint production, matches, and pesticides. Octane boosters in the gasoline used also contain manganese. It also contaminates the environment in mining areas, manganese ore smelting plants, alloy production plants, electrical welding factory and factories for making flashlights
- Nickel (Nickel: Ni) is found in the coin manufacturing industry, stainless steel, metal alloys, nickel batteries, electrical insulation materials, jewellery, ceramics, ink, the petroleum industry, plastics, and rubber which are the causes of cancer in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.
- Mercury (Mercury: Hg) is mostly contaminated in the air, water, and soil. The cause is fuel combustion, garbage burning, and waste products used in households and industrial plants that use mercury as a raw material. It is also found in cosmetics and food and seafood in particular (found in large marine animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales), and an important source is amalgam metals from silver tooth filling materials which is an important source that we get into the body.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
Package price: 16,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program: 23 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Half Sugar Level
- Minerals
- Fat Level (Chol, Trig, HDL, calculated LDL)
- G6PD
- Renal function test
- Liver function test
- Vitamin D Level
- Growth Hormone
- Adrenal Gland Hormone
- Cancer Screening
- Blood Metal Toxins Cover 9 Types of Heavy Metal Toxins (Pb, Hg, Cd, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Al)(ICP-MS)
Results: Approximately 10 working days after receiving the service
Preparation: Please refrain from water and food. At least 8 hours before the blood test.
Holistic Pre-Stem cells Program
This laboratory and health care examination program is designed to check and prepare individuals before undergoing cell therapy. This allows expert doctors to assess the basic health of the recipients, including their current health status and any potential health issues prior to cell therapy. Additionally, it determines the necessary preparations required before administering the cell therapy to ensure the highest efficiency.
The list of laboratory tests collected in this program will assist medical experts in understanding the recipients’ bodies comprehensively. These tests include assessing the completeness of blood cells, kidney function, accumulated sugar levels, inflammation levels, liver function, mineral salt levels, lipid levels, G6PD levels, adrenal hormones, vitamin D levels, cancer screening, and the level of toxins in the recipients’ bodies.
Heavy metals are known to be toxic to cells, affecting various systems of the body, including the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, kidneys, and endocrine glands. The toxicity of heavy metals depends on the chemical form of each compound and the route through which the body is exposed, such as through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, or skin.
The blood metal toxin test covers 7 types of heavy metal toxins as follows:
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
It is often found in nature, air, water and soil. Chromium is commonly mixed in steel and its compounds have rust resistance properties and corrosion. If there is a large amount of chromium in the body, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may cause death due to liver and kidney inflammation as bleeding may occur, then liver cells stop working.
- Cobalt (Cobalt: Co) is found in electronic components, and electroplated metal chemicals in beauty salons and a cement factory. Generally, we are less likely to get it if we are not in an area where cobalt is used in production, such as near an industrial area. Cobalt is slightly toxic when in contact with skin and is moderately toxic if swallowed.
- Manganese (Manganese: Mn) is found in the production of dry batteries, alloys, steel, metal turning, paint production, matches, and pesticides. Octane boosters in the gasoline used also contain manganese. It also contaminates the environment in mining areas, manganese ore smelting plants, alloy production plants, electrical welding factory and factories for making flashlights
- Nickel (Nickel: Ni) is found in the coin manufacturing industry, stainless steel, metal alloys, nickel batteries, electrical insulation materials, jewellery, ceramics, ink, the petroleum industry, plastics, and rubber which are the causes of cancer in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.
- Mercury (Mercury: Hg) is mostly contaminated in the air, water, and soil. The cause is fuel combustion, garbage burning, and waste products used in households and industrial plants that use mercury as a raw material. It is also found in cosmetics and food and seafood in particular (found in large marine animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales), and an important source is amalgam metals from silver tooth filling materials which is an important source that we get into the body.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
In addition, the program consists of checking client’s inflammation, insulin levels, thyroid hormone, levels sex hormone, levels and growth hormone levels.
Package price: 22,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program: 35 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Minerals
- Fat Level (Chol, Trig, HDL, calculated LDL)
- G6PD
- Liver Function Test (8 Tests)
- Kidney Function
- Vitamin D Level
- Inflammation Value
- Insulin Level
- Growth Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Cancer Screening
- Blood Metal Toxins Cover 9 Types of Heavy Metal Toxins2 (Pb, Hg, Cd, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Al)(ICP-MS)
Results: Approximately 10 working days after receiving the service
Preparation: For blood test, please abstain from water and food at least 8 hours before the blood test.
Premium Pre-Stem cells Program
This laboratory and health care examination program is designed to check and prepare individuals before undergoing cell therapy. This allows expert doctors to assess the basic health of the recipients, including their current health status and any potential health issues prior to cell therapy. Additionally, it determines the necessary preparations required before administering the cell therapy to ensure the highest efficiency.
The list of laboratory tests collected in this program will assist medical experts in understanding the recipients’ bodies comprehensively. These tests include assessing the completeness of blood cells, kidney function, accumulated sugar levels, inflammation levels, liver function, mineral salt levels, lipid levels, G6PD levels, adrenal hormones, vitamin D levels, cancer screening, and the level of toxins in the recipients’ bodies.
Heavy metals are known to be toxic to cells, affecting various systems of the body, including the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, kidneys, and endocrine glands. The toxicity of heavy metals depends on the chemical form of each compound and the route through which the body is exposed, such as through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, or skin.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
The blood metal toxin test covers 7 types of heavy metal toxins as follows:
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
It is often found in nature, air, water and soil. Chromium is commonly mixed in steel and its compounds have rust resistance properties and corrosion. If there is a large amount of chromium in the body, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may cause death due to liver and kidney inflammation as bleeding may occur, then liver cells stop working.
- Cobalt (Cobalt: Co) is found in electronic components, and electroplated metal chemicals in beauty salons and a cement factory. Generally, we are less likely to get it if we are not in an area where cobalt is used in production, such as near an industrial area. Cobalt is slightly toxic when in contact with skin and is moderately toxic if swallowed.
- Manganese (Manganese: Mn) is found in the production of dry batteries, alloys, steel, metal turning, paint production, matches, and pesticides. Octane boosters in the gasoline used also contain manganese. It also contaminates the environment in mining areas, manganese ore smelting plants, alloy production plants, electrical welding factory and factories for making flashlights
- Nickel (Nickel: Ni) is found in the coin manufacturing industry, stainless steel, metal alloys, nickel batteries, electrical insulation materials, jewellery, ceramics, ink, the petroleum industry, plastics, and rubber which are the causes of cancer in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.
- Mercury (Mercury: Hg) is mostly contaminated in the air, water, and soil. The cause is fuel combustion, garbage burning, and waste products used in households and industrial plants that use mercury as a raw material. It is also found in cosmetics and food and seafood in particular (found in large marine animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales), and an important source is amalgam metals from silver tooth filling materials which is an important source that we get into the body.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
In addition, this program also includes hidden food allergies test which is a test of the body’s immune system response to a particular type of food. This response stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that destroy the proteins in that food because the body’s immune system mistaken that they’re “unknown substances” and may be harmful to the body and measuring the length of telomeres, are important. Additionally, it is a method that allows us to know whether the age of cells within the body is proportional to our actual age or not. For example, telomeres are shrinking, meaning our lives are getting shorter.
Currently, more than 100 studies have shown that that the shortening of telomeres causes cell degeneration which plays an important role in the occurrence of serious diseases (age-related diseases) such as cardiovascular (stroke and heart attacks), diabetes, brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia), early death and the degeneration of cells in the body. Therefore, if the results of the telomere examination are long, it can indicate that the body’s condition is good and that the client will live a long healthy life.
Package price: 49,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program: >275 items
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Sugar Level
- Minerals
- Fat Level (Chol, Trig, HDL, calculated LDL)
- G6PD
- Liver Function Test (8 Tests)
- Kidney Function
- Vitamin D Level
- Inflammation Value
- Insulin Level
- Growth Hormone
- Adrenal Hormone
- Cancer Screening
- Blood Metal Toxins Cover 9 Types of Heavy Metal Toxins2 (Pb, Hg, Cd, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Al) (ICP-MS)
- Latent Food Allergy Test
- Telome Length Test
Results: Approximately 10 working days after receiving the service
Preparation: For blood test, please abstain from water and food at least 8 hours before the blood test.
You should abstain from steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressive drugs for at least 7 days before the blood test (if you really can’t abstain, please abstain for at least 3 days).
Brain Health
Standard Brain Health
This program helps in screening for brain degeneration caused by the function and structure of brain tissue which is often found in the elderly which has an affect on memory. If there is chronic brain inflammation in the long term, it will cause brain cell damage and brain tissue to atrophy to the point that it will eventually cause dementia symptoms. When you know in advance that you are at risk of having brain disease, planning and adjusting lifestyle behaviors in the future will be much easier to effectively prevent the disease.
One of the most common forgetfulness syndromes today is Alzheimer’s Disease. It is caused by the effects of decreased production of neurotransmitters in the brain which the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine has accumulation of two abnormal proteins in brain cells: Beta-Amyloid and Tau Protein (Neuorofibrillary Tangles).
Factors that affect the increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease include:
1. Lipoproteins: People with high total cholesterol levels and high LDL cholesterol will have an increased risk.
2. Cerebrovascular Disease: People with a history of abnormal cerebrovascular disease
3. Hypertension: People with a history of high blood pressure.
4. Peripheral Atherosclerosis: People at risk of arteriosclerosis
5. Type2DM: People with diabetes There is more risk.
6. Obesity: People who are overweight or has obesity.
7. Brain Trauma: People who have suffered a head injury.
8. Medication: People who consume certain types of rubber continuously on a regular basis.
9. Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as second-hand cigarette smoke, pesticides and air pollution, etc.
This health checkup package will analyze blood results and various factors that impact brain function. These include the integrity of blood cells, blood sugar levels, kidney function, liver function, and levels of vitamins B1, B6, B12, and D, as well as folate, NAD, and ApoE.
The package also includes screening for genes associated with memory impairment that can develop into Alzheimer’s disease in the future and are linked to heart disease and blood vessels. ApoE is responsible for transporting cholesterol in the body and helping to eliminate proteins. In the case of Late Onset Alzheimer’s disease, which manifests after the age of 60, certain genetic abnormalities called APOE are found. Individuals with one locus abnormality of the E4 APOE gene have a twofold increased risk, while those with abnormalities in both APOE gene loci have an eightfold increased risk compared to normal individuals.
Package price: 16,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 14 items,
- APOE Gene
- Complete Blood Count
- Hydrogen Aggregation
- Omega 3 and 6
- Vitamin D Level
- Vitamin B12
- Iron Level
- Liver Function
- Fat Level
- Kidney Function
Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide advice after the test throughout the care
Results will be known after approximately 30-45 business days after receiving the service
For blood tests, please refrain from eating and drinking at least 8 hours before the blood test.
Genetic Brain Health
This program will study the body of the service recipient, going in-depth to the level of genes, also known as Nutrogenetic Testing, to learn and understand factors that affect overall health. Brain diseases caused by common gene abnormalities include:
- Alzheimer’s disease: Associated with abnormalities in the APP, PSEN1, PSEN2 genes for Alzheimer’s in people younger than 65 years, and the APOE e4, PICALM, ABCA7, CLU, CR1, PLD3, TREM2, and SORL1 genes.
- Parkinson’s disease: Associated with abnormalities in the LRRK2, PARK2, and PARK7 genes.
- Huntington’s disease: Associated with an abnormality of the HTT gene.
- Cerebral degeneration: Spinocerebellar ataxia is associated with a type of mutation known as trinucleotide repeat expansion.
- Hearing impairment or vision loss.
Factors that cause brain and nervous system diseases include aging, certain types of infections, lifestyle, diet, alcohol, smoking, and other co-morbidities. If an abnormal gene is found, there will be an increased risk compared to people without the abnormal gene. Even minimal exposure to these factors can trigger abnormal symptoms, or symptoms may occur without additional triggers.
Screening for Alzheimer’s disease or other brain and nervous system diseases is often conducted when symptoms appear or as part of age-related screening. However, for those with abnormal genes, it is recommended to start testing at a younger age and to undergo more frequent screening than individuals with normal genes.
Package price: 29,900 baht
Duration: The test results will take approximately 14 working day.
Preparation: For DNA sample collection, please avoid using mouthwash on the day of service and please refrain from using water and abstain from eating for at least 30 minutes.
Beauty and Brightening
Standard Beauty and Brightening
This program is a Laboratory Physical Examination Program for healthy, beautiful, and radiant skin which will check the levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in the body—components that the body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained through dietary supplements and food. The examination helps determine the current levels of various vitamins and minerals in our bodies, allowing us to supplement deficiencies and help our bodies achieve a balanced state.
Key components analyzed include:
Vitamins: Vitamin A (Retinol), Vitamin E (gamma-Tocopherol), Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin B12, Folate
Antioxidants: Coenzyme Q10, Lycopene, Alpha Carotene, Beta Carotene
Minerals: Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu) ,Selenium (Se), Zinc (Zn), Magnesium (Mg), Ferritin, Iron
These nutrients are essential for making the skin healthy, radiant, and smooth.
Vitamin C is crucial for skin health because it aids in collagen production, improving skin flexibility and strength. It also helps treat inflammation, delay the onset of aging, nourish and protect the eyes, and strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A strengthens tissues, making the skin firm and healthy.
This program is suitable for:
- Those concerned about their skin health, hair thickness, or nail health.
Program price: 19,900 baht
Laboratory Test Program:
- 7 items of examination
- Complete blood count
- G6PD
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Vitamin and mineral levels
- Vitamin D levels
- Consultation by a specialist doctor, follow up on the results and provide post-exam consultation throughout the care
- Results period: Approximately 5 working days after receiving the service
For blood tests, do not fast and do not eat or drink before the blood test.
Genetic Beauty and Brightening
A physical examination program that studies the body of our clients in-depth, to the level of genes, also known as Nutrogenetic Testing, which can be used to learn and understand factors that affect healthy, beautiful, and radiant skin. This program will check the antioxidants in the body, and vitamins and minerals that the body cannot yet produce on its own as it must be obtained through dietary supplements and food only.
The examination will help us know various vitamins and minerals and how much is in the client’s body right now. Then this information from the examination will be utilized to specify which supplement the body lacks so that the body can be well balanced, whether it is the appearance of the skin, sensitivity to various stimuli, or overall health
This program is suitable for:
- Those concerned about their skin health, hair thickness, or nail health.
Program price: 25,900 baht
Duration: The test results will take approximately 14 working day.
Preparation: For DNA sample collection, please avoid using mouthwash on the day of service and please refrain from using water and abstain from eating for at least 30 minutes.
NK Cells Count Test การตรวจนับจำนวนเซลล์เพชฌฆาต (NK cells)
Counting the number of killer cells (NK cells) in the bloodstream helps determine the risk of cancer or various viral infections. It can also assess if cancer patients are fully prepared and strong enough to be treated with radiotherapy. Patients who lack or have low numbers of NK cells are at a higher risk of developing cancer or viral infections because NK cells are the first line of defense, detecting and destroying cancer cells, viruses, and unknown germs. NK cells use a special mechanism to prevent cancer cells or foreign cells from dividing and multiplying uncontrollably. While the count of NK cells is an indicator of the risk of cancer and infection, checking the performance of killer cells (NK Cell Activity) is also crucial. This provides a better assessment of both the number and capacity of an individual’s killer cells.
Package price: 8,900 baht
NK Cells Activity Test การตรวจวัดประสิทธิภาพของ เซลล์เม็ดเลือดขาวNK
NK cells are classified as large granular lymphocyte white blood cells. They are cells that play an important role in the innate immune system or Innate immunity. They are responsible for destroying various microorganisms that enter the body including destroying cancer cells.
NK cells will destroy foreign cells such as cancer cells, virus-infected cells and when NK cells detect these cells, they will destroy them immediately.
Package price: 14,900 baht
NK Cells Count & Activity Test
NK cells are classified as large granular lymphocyte white blood cells. They are cells that play an important role in the innate immune system or Innate immunity. They are responsible for destroying various microorganisms that enter the body including destroying cancer cells.
List of laboratory tests collected in this program will include counting the number of killer cells (NK cells) in the bloodstream, helping to determine the risk of cancer or various viral infections and also measure the efficiency of NK white blood cells as well.
Package price: 19,900 baht
Toxic Heavy Metals in Blood
Heavy metals are toxic to cells and ffects cell function and various working systems of the body abnormally whether it is the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, kidneys or endocrine glands. The toxicity of heavy metals depends on the chemical form of each heavy metal compound. and the route the body receives, such as through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, or skin.
The blood metal toxin test covers 7 types of heavy metal toxins as follows:
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
It is often found in nature, air, water and soil. Chromium is commonly mixed in steel and its compounds have rust resistance properties and corrosion. If there is a large amount of chromium in the body, it can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and may cause death due to liver and kidney inflammation as bleeding may occur, then liver cells stop working.
- Cobalt (Cobalt: Co) is found in electronic components, and electroplated metal chemicals in beauty salons and a cement factory. Generally, we are less likely to get it if we are not in an area where cobalt is used in production, such as near an industrial area. Cobalt is slightly toxic when in contact with skin and is moderately toxic if swallowed.
- Manganese (Manganese: Mn) is found in the production of dry batteries, alloys, steel, metal turning, paint production, matches, and pesticides. Octane boosters in the gasoline used also contain manganese. It also contaminates the environment in mining areas, manganese ore smelting plants, alloy production plants, electrical welding factory and factories for making flashlights
- Nickel (Nickel: Ni) is found in the coin manufacturing industry, stainless steel, metal alloys, nickel batteries, electrical insulation materials, jewellery, ceramics, ink, the petroleum industry, plastics, and rubber which are the causes of cancer in the nose, sinuses, and lungs.
- Mercury (Mercury: Hg) is mostly contaminated in the air, water, and soil. The cause is fuel combustion, garbage burning, and waste products used in households and industrial plants that use mercury as a raw material. It is also found in cosmetics and food and seafood in particular (found in large marine animals such as sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales), and an important source is amalgam metals from silver tooth filling materials which is an important source that we get into the body.
- Lead (Lead : Pb) is often obtained from consuming vegetables, fruits with toxic residues from pesticides, touching electronic equipment and computers, batteries, various dyes, house paints, children’s toys, ceramic making, automobile oil, and medical equipment and cosmetics or through breathing from air pollution from car fumes, etc.
- Cadmium (Cadmium: Cd) comes from tobacco and cigarettes, plastic and rubber materials and is also commonly used as a raw material in the industries producing batteries, electrical equipment, metal alloys, automobile parts, etc.
- Arsenic (Arsenic: As) is often found contaminated in vegetables and fruits that have toxic residues from pesticides. In drinking water, especially surface water sources, in seafood, seaweed, cosmetics, traditional medicine and is an important component in the pesticide production industry, tanning industry and steel mill etc.
- Aluminum (Aluminum: Al) is commonly found in soil, drinking water, food, various containers, medicines (such as antacids), deodorants (roll-ons), as well as dust in the air. Currently, it is believed that it can cause dementia (Dementia) or Alzheimer’s disease.
Package price: 4,900
Biological age(Telomere)
Measuring telomere length is an important method to determine whether the age of cells within the body is proportional to our actual age. Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shrink as we age, meaning our lifespan is getting shorter. More than 100 studies have shown that telomere shortening leads to cell deterioration, playing a significant role in the occurrence of serious age-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (stroke, heart attacks), diabetes, brain diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia), early death, and the degeneration of cells in the body.
Therefore, if the results of the telomere examination show long telomeres, it can indicate that the body’s condition is good and the individual may have a longer life.
Package price: 15,900 baht
Vitamin and Micronutrients Profile (ตรวจระดับวิตามินและเกลือแร่)
A test for small molecule nutrients that the body needs in a small amount but can’t live without it. Moreover, as the body cannot produce it itself, it is required to get it from eating or dietary supplements.
They are as follows:
- Vitamin A (Retinol)
- Vitamin E (gamma-Tocopherol)
- Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopherol)
- Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
- Coenzyme Q10 (Coenzyme Q10)
- Lutein (Lutein)
- Zeaxanthin
- Alpha Carotene (alpha-Carotene)
- Lycopene (Lycopene)
- Beta Carotene (beta-Carotene)
- Beta-Cryptoxanthine (Beta–Cryptoxanthin)
- Chromium (Chromium: Cr)
- Copper (Copper:Cu)
- Selenium (Selenium: Se)
- Zinc (Zinc: Zn)
- Magnesium (Magnesium: Mg)
- Vitamin B12 (Vitamin B12)
- Folate
- Ferritin
- Vitamin B D2/D3
Package price: 15,900 baht
Food intolerance test (ตรวจภูมิแพ้อาหารแฝง) มากกว่า 222ชนิด
A test of the body’s immune system response to a particular type of food. This response stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that destroy the proteins in that food as the body’s immune system mistaken that they’re “unknown substances” and may be harmful to the body
Package price: 19,900 baht